How to keep your van clean and travel with your dog.

April 18, 2023

How do I keep my van clean when I bring my dog with me?

Do you love to travel in your van or caravan with your dog? There is no better road trip buddy than your four legged friend.

Not only is it great to have your best mate with you on the road, they make us walk more, they make the solo traveller more confident to start conversations with fellow travellers and they make us feel more safe.

However, there is one part of travelling with pets that can get complicated: keeping your van clean. Cleanliness in your van is essential. Not only is it a small space that you’re travelling in, but it is also the place where you eat, sleep, and if in a campervan, drive.  Thus, it is key to keep your home on wheels fresh and clean for both you and your pet(s) to enjoy. If you’re not sure the best way to do this, here are some tips.

  1. The floor is important

Rather than deal with the hassle of scrubbing out the inevitable pet mess on your van’s  carpet floor while travelling, invest a bit of money and swap out the carpet for vinyl or laminate flooring.  If you are still looking to purchase a van, make a smooth floor part of your criteria. No matter how well-house/van trained your dog is, there will be times you don’t know he or she has “gotta go, right now”. Carpets may look plush and feel warmer, but trust me, your dog’s particular scents will be soaked up by carpet and your van will smell like a kennel, not a home.

Vinyl is a great option that is cheap and automatically elevates the appearance of your van’s interior. There are some really cool looking vinyl tiles/planks these days that are perfect for your van. A smooth floor is easy to sweep out and clean – I sprinkle some bicarb on the floor and use a little white vinegar to clean it – works a treat and smells great. If you need to use chemicals there are some good plant based cleaners too. I personally like the method brand you can get from Big W.

  1. Cover your furniture

Similar to the carpet concept, your furniture will pick up the scent of your pet if he/she is laying on it a lot. And, they likely will be since there is a lot of downtime on the road. That’s why it’s a good idea to get furniture covers that protect the actual furniture underneath, and that you can take off regularly to wash. Trying to clean your van’s furniture on a regular basis will drive you crazy — that’s the type of thing you really only want to do once or twice a year, not every time you travel with your pets.

If your furniture is built in place and you can’t fit covers, you can use throw rugs and blankets or sheets to cover them – being able to remove them and for washing makes life sweeter on the road. I also put a throw rug on my bed as my Lucy is an opportunist and will take any advantage of a free pillow .

  1. Keep your dogs bedding clean

Regular cleaning of your dog’s bedding will help keep your van clean and your dog will feel more comfortable too. I shake Lucy’s bedding daily, before I sweep the floor, and I vacuum it with the pet head attachment a couple of times a week. Occasionally, if it’s getting dirty, I will throw it in the washing machine, that’s if it’s a fine day and it will dry quickly.

  1. A clean dog helps keep a clean van.

Not only is it important to keep the surfaces your dog will spend time on clean, but it is also important to keep your pet clean. Even though you’re on the road, regular grooming will help to keep your pet’s coat healthy and clean. The grooming can be done by a professional, or yourself if you aren’t somewhere that has a groomer locally. My Lucy is a short coat JRT, so she doesn’t require grooming or even regular washing. Occasionally, she gets a bath at a DIY pet wash, but mostly I wipe her with a damp cloth and brush her a few times a week. It will depend on the type of fur your dog has as to the regularity of washing you will need to do. Some van parks have dog wash areas too these days. Importantly use soap designed for your dog (not hoomans) and make sure your dog is dry before being allowed back inside – wet dog equals smelly van.

In wet weather when it gets muddy around your van, I keep a dog towel near the door to my van to wipe her down and ensure her feet are not muddy before she comes inside. I also have a mud mat just before my caravan step for my own feet.

Do a daily fur clean up.

To keep fur buildup to a minimum, it’s a good idea to clean up the fur daily that makes its way onto every surface of your Van. This is something you should do every day unless you have a dog that does not shed. This not only keeps your van clean but also keeps you from getting overwhelmed with pet hairs. I use a broom and dustpan daily and I found an awesome rechargeable handheld vacuum cleaner that includes a pet brush head, at Aldi for around $60 – it’s the bomb in the van and I use it every few days.



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