About Us

Welcome to Air Bark'n'Bark

Whether you’re off for a weekend, a fortnight or you’re planning a longer trip, there’s nothing better than travelling with your four-legged friend.

We love to take our dogs with us wherever we go, and we always try and plan dog-friendly activities. But some places just aren’t suitable for dogs, and that can present a problem when you’re on the road.

That’s why we created Air Bark’n’Bark.

We want to make it easy to connect with other like-minded individuals who are loving life on the road. 

Air Bark nBark is like a babysitting service for dogs. When you’re on the road and you need someone to take care of your canine – whether that’s for an hour or the rest of the day – you can find another traveller of local service to look after your dog by using our app. 

Air Bark’n’Bark makes it easier to travel around Australia with your dogs because a dog-minding service is only ever a few clicks away. 

We’re passionate about our pooches, and we believe that Air Bark nBark will transform the lives of travellers and holidaymakers. By making it easier to take dogs along on every trip, we hope we can reduce the numbers of dogs which are being surrendered or re-homed.  


A Bit About Us

They say that the best businesses are built on a passion, and that’s why we’ve got such belief in Air Bark nBark. We are dedicated dog owners and we love to travel. This means we’ve experienced first-hand how difficult it can be when you need to find a dog minding service while you’re on the road.   

We knew that there would be thousands of other dog owners experiencing exactly the same frustration when trying to travel. And with grey nomads, travelling families and remote workers all on the increase, the need for a dog sitting solution was clear.  

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How Does Air Bark'n'Bark Work?

If you’ve ever used an online dating app, Air Bark nBark will seem spookily similar – but with a canine twist!  

Before you can get started, you’ll need to register as a user and be accepted. Once we’ve confirmed your membership, you’re all set to get started.  

By looking on the map you’ll be able to see other users in your area, or you can search for different locations if you prefer. If you are planning ahead for your travel, this can be a handy tool.  

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Will It Be Safe?

We take the safety of our dogs and people very seriously, so we have a range of security measures built into our app.  

While you don’t have to prove your identity to use the app, those that do will get the ID verified tick on their profile. If you choose to use a non ID verified minder, we advise you to do your own due diligence and check the minders ID before leaving them with the Minder and we advise you to do a  meet and greet so that both you and your dog is comfortable to stay with them – our dogs are the best judges of character.

Our five-paw review and rating system will allow you to see what others  have said. Users will also be able to report others for any abuse of the system and block Users if needed. 

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We Need YOU!

This is a very new app, so you’ve found us right at the start – congratulations!!  

For Air Bark nBark to be effective, we need to build up a functional network of dog lovers across Australia, particularly grey nomads, remote workers, families on the road, or anyone who’s just enjoying the van life!  To do this, we’re making the app free for the first 3-6 months (depending on numbers). Once we have established a strong network of users, there will be a small subscription charge. A monthly subscription will cost less than a coffee at $4.97. A six month subscription will be $16.97 and a yearly subscription only $27.97

We welcome all feedback as we work to build a strong community of Minder and Finders to support each other for dog minding on the road

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Air Bark'N'Bark App